Cursed items are unusual magical creations that have a malicious effect on the unwary and can force its wielders into difficult choices. Unlike arcane sight, this spell cannot be made permanent with a permanency spell. Price 66,000 gp; Aura moderate divination; CL 11th; Weight —. Communal Mask Dweomer. Powerful and regal, dweomercats prey upon lesser creatures, but even more voraciously hunt new and ever stranger sources of magic. The spells detect magic, identify, and analyze dweomer all reveal command words if the properties of the item are successfully identified. I was looking at the Specific Familiars and was looking at the Dweomercat Cub Familiar's ability Alter Dweomer and saw something odd about the Transmutation section. Range close (25 ft. You can observe. 9th-level spells—freedom, refuge, soul bindThese features include: #DragonMagMonday, in which I dive into an issue of Dragon from my own collection, what can be found there, a bit of cultural analysis and/or gaming history, and mostly how it influenced (or didn't) my own approach to the game to this day. You have to option of appointing a new captain, keeping the old captain or dissolving the guard completely and making a new one loyal to the king. customer. Society wizards even qualify for it at 1st level. Source Pathfinder #36: Sound of a Thousand Screams pg. lvl 11/ Skill Focus(Knowledge[history]), analyze dweomer, silence master lvl 12/ +1 to INT, dispelling master, 6th lvl spells lvl 13Lo. I'm just a Pathfinder player who obsesses over the numbers and deeply appreciated the thinking and work that went into Bench Pressing. Extracts cannot be made from spells that have focus requirements (alchemist extracts that duplicate divine spells never have a divine focus requirement). If you have only detailed information on the person, place, or thing, the casting time is 1d10 days, and the resulting lore is less complete. Furthermore, once per day on command, the wearer can use <i>analyze dweomer</i. · 5y. Not having to spend 100g per item to identify them is definitely one thing we really like. 1st Scenario: 5e Tiamat vs 2e party. This replaces second judgment. An astral deva is 7-1/2 feet tall and weighs 250 pounds. Improved Evasion (): When subjected to an attack that normally allows a Reflex saving throw for half damage, a familiar takes no. Analyze Magic (Su): You discern the properties of any magic item as per the analyze dweomer spell. From the 3. Compare and contrast Magic Aura, which is the same spell level, duration, and can also hide magic from detect magic, but is on many more spell lists and also has the option of adding a different magic aura rather than only suppressing magic. just ran into a dweomerlion. 2: Arcane Knowledge (Su) Your eyes harden and turn into ruby and gold. Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Artificers are proficient with all simple weapons, all hammers (except racial weapons like the gnome hooked hammer), light armor, and medium armor but not with shields. Analyze Dweomer (automatic apart from potential Will save) At the moment, Read Magic is the one I don't doubt. The likeness is close enough for you to be mistaken as the former loved one’s reincarnation, or you might be that loved one. Life and death are two things, symbol represent 2. 5000. Dweomer's Essence. Once a creature lowers its resistance, it remains down until the creature’s next turn. The overall lowest cost way of dealing with SR is using a Numerology Cylinder (+2, 5000g, ideally need +15 knowledge (arcana) or higher), Dweomer's Essence (+5, 500g consumable), Diminishing Sash (+1, 5000g, 50 charge belt slot consumable), Spell Penetration feat (+2). You discern all spells and magical properties present in a number of creatures or objects. Animate Objects. Analyze Dweomer F: Reveals magical aspects of subject. Granted Power (Sp): Use calm emotions as a spell-like. Each round, choose one of the target’s four auras. /level) Effect 10-ft. To qualify to become an arcane savant, a character must fulfill the following criteria. Each round, you may examine a single creature or object that you can see as a free action. Reply. The likeness is close enough for you to be mistaken as the former loved one’s reincarnation, or you might be. Furthermore, three times per day, the encyclopedia may be used either to cast analyze dweomer as a spell-like ability, or take 20 on a Spellcraft check to identify a spell as it is being cast. An object that makes its save cannot be affected by any other analyze dweomer spells for 24 hours. 302 School evocation; Level cleric 3, inquisitor 3, occultist 3, oracle 3, spiritualist 3, warpriest 3 Casting Casting Time 1 standard action Components V, S Effect Range personal Target you Duration 1 min. /2 levels)Analyze dweomer reveals the possession if the possessor fails its Will save. /level Duration instantaneous Saving Throw Will negates (object); Spell. Mask Dweomer. the others spells varies as wizard type. 3 Detect Magic: Don't leave home without it. Using identification spells on Scrolls and Potions Both the desired spell effect and mask dweomer are hidden from detect magic, although more powerful spells (such as arcane sight) pierce the deception if the caster succeeds on a Will save. Stalwart (Ex): This is exactly like the inquisitor’s ability of the same. Arcane Sight Greater, Retrocognition, Sequester, Vision, Scrying Greater . Instead they are the result of rushed work, inexperienced crafters, or a lack of proper components. If the person or thing is at hand, or if you are in the place in question, the casting time is only 1d4 × 10 minutes. + 5 ft. Because of this, their presence often indicates residual magical activity, or nearby magical treasures or traps. 2015-05-26, 02:42 PM. Pacific (425) 250-0800. Saving Throw none or Will negates, see text; Spell Resistance no. Natural Armor Adj. Analyze Dweomer(Divination)[ ] X 1 V,S,F rng: Close 25ft + 5ft/2 levels Dur: 1 round/level (D) SV None or Will. When. 10 Ranks: You can attempt an Acrobatics check at a –10 penalty and use the result as your CMD against trip maneuvers. Tactical Adaptation. Core Rulebook. Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, analyze dweomer, true seeing; Cost 92,400 gp. Intelligent Items : Intelligent magic items normally can’t be possessed, unless the GM states otherwise. Each round, you may examine a single creature or object that you can see as a free action. The only spell that mentions charges in a wand is Analyze Dweomer but that is a level 6 spell. In addition, you gain uncanny dodge as a class ability. 6th Acid Fog, Analyze Dweomer, Banishment, Banshee Blast, Chain Lightning, Circle of Death, Disintegrate, Fire Seeds, Forceful Hand, Freezing Sphere,. to 5:00 p. Battle takes place in Waterdeep (no outside influence). This spell functions as fly (Core Rulebook 284), save that it can target numerous creatures and lasts longer. + 5 ft. Random Effect Spell: A basidirond's spore cloud causes random hallucinations in those who breathe it in, saddling them with different combat penalties as they attempt to respond to each nonexistent set of problems. jsaving Dec 7, 2020 @ 1:59pm. Truesight goggles pathfinder Amazing item, the legendary (unexplained) while wearing these crystal lens glasses, you get a range of 60 feet of tresagate. to 5:00 p. You discern all spells and magical properties present in a number of creatures or objects. 95. + 5 ft. The spells detect magic, identify, and analyze dweomer all reveal command words if the properties of the item are successfully identified. Rofl. Analyze dweomer does not function when used on an. For each spell or power, the character makes a caster level check (1d20 + caster level). You cannot create variant skeletons or zombies with this spell. Feats Craft Wondrous Item, analyze dweomer, true seeing; Cost 92,400 gp. Analyze Dweomer has the following sentence: In the case of an object or creature with active spells cast upon it, you learn each spell, its effect, and its caster level. Downside - high level, won't identify racial immunities. service@paizo. Cursed items are any magic items with some sort of potentially negative impact on the user. 5 Secret knowledge of avoidance +2 bonus on Reflex saves. + 5 ft. Prerequisite (s): You resemble a lost loved one of an evil creature who would otherwise be a challenging foe. Each round, you may examine a single creature or object that you can see as a free action. An object that makes its save cannot be affected by any other analyze dweomer spells for 24 hours. Benefit (s): A caster level check to dispel or remove a contagious spell that fails by 5 or more causes it to spread from the original target to the creature that attempted to remove it. Casting Time 1 standard action Components V, S, M (powdered peas and an animal hoof) . You can change the designated target or targets as a move action, as if directing an active spell. Analyze Dweomer. Both the desired spell effect and mask dweomer are hidden from detect magic, although more powerful spells (such as arcane sight) pierce the deception if the caster succeeds. Aura strong divination; CL 20th Slot eye; Price Artifact (Minor); Weight -- This thin glass-like display is attached to a single ear muff, that fits snugly and comfortably on a creature's ear. To my knowledge their is no spell outside of Analyze Dweomer that can tell the origins and creation date of an item, heck even Analyze Dweomer ain't that spectacular. /2 levels) Targets one object or creature per caster level Duration 1 round/level (D) Saving Throw none or Will negates, see text; Spell Resistance no You can observe magical auras. An attended object may attempt a Will save to resist this effect if its holder so desires. Derived from the patient distillation of rare magical reagents, a pinch of this fine white powder can be added to the casting of any spell as an additional material component to give the spellcaster a +5 bonus on caster level checks made to overcome spell resistance. 283 School evocation []; Level cleric 5, druid 4, hunter 4, inquisitor 5, oracle 5, shaman 5, warpriest 5 Casting Casting Time 1 standard action Components V, S, DF Effect Range medium (100 ft. Spell Turning Source PRPG Core Rulebook pg. This site is an SRD (System Reference Document) for the Paizo Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. It tells you pretty much everything mechanical about the item and it only gets a save if it's bearer wills it. If that check is failed, succeeding on a second check (DC 25) might provide a clue. Casting Time 1 standard action. Analyze dweomer was a powerful arcane divination spell that revealed a target's full magical history. Depending on the general prevalance of magic in your game (3. Analyze Dweomer. Chalice of Communal Dweomer. Accelerate Poison. Analyze Dweomer F: Reveals magical aspects of subject. An attended object may attempt a Will save to resist this effect if its holder so desires. You discern all spells and magical properties present in a number of creatures or objects. to 5:00 p. The Loremaster in 3E was often a default PrC to take, as wizards gained very little except new spells as they advanced. The special powers can be identified with analyze dweomer. Need Help? Mon–Fri, 10:00 a. . I love that. Both the desired spell effect and communal mask dweomer are hidden from. At the beginning of the creature’s next turn, the creature’s spell resistance automatically returns unless the creature. Oppressive Boredom Saving Throw. Dr. DISCERN LIES, PSIONIC Clairsentience Level: Justice 4 Display: Visual Manifesting Time: 1 standard action Range: Close (25 ft. Use Activated: This type of item simply has to be used in order to activate it. Open Game. Source Core Rulebook pg. Analyze Dweomer. Cursed items are almost never made intentionally. Destruction: A few challenges can, if critically failed, destroy the in-progress item, which costs the PCs their current investment. The spell deals 1d8 points of damage per two caster levels (maximum 5d8) to each evil creature in the area (or 1d6 points of damage per caster level, maximum 10d6, to an evil outsider) and causes. "I am the dominator that control life and death". mercury and phosphorus, plus powdered diamond and opal worth a total of 5,000 gp. Hoped that would get your attention. Get app Get the Reddit app Log In Log in to Reddit. These goggles, constructed of a pair of perfect prisms held in place by golden frames and affixed to the head by a black leather strap, grants the wearer true seeing continuously. When you absolutely, positively need to get that spell through. only one wizard, occultist, fighter, etc). Duration 10 min. it has 10 damage reduction. Use Activated: This type of item simply has to be used in order to activate it. Targets up to one willing creature per level, all within 30 ft. Break Enchantment Source PRPG Core Rulebook pg. At 13th level he gains the use of the Legend Lore spell to identify magical items or artifacts. "I am the realm that give birth to Demon, Devil, Daemon". The 6th level sorcerer/wizard spell Analyze Dweomer states: 'In the case of an object or. Analyze dweomer, greater arcane sight, and similar spells of the same or higher spell level that automatically identify spells reveal the converted spell for what it is. Sign In; Cart . Pacific (425) 250-0800. Use-Activated: This type of item merely has to be used in order to activate it. Elvensight: Half-elves can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light, and can see in the dark up to 30 feet. Johnny Fever. Trace Teleport Source Ultimate Intrigue pg. Duration 1 round/level (D). True to their name, all bogeymen are male. If the save succeeds, you learn nothing about the object except what you can discern by. Antipathy: Object or location affected by spell repels certain creatures. In the case of a magic item, you. Class Features. You must have either cast this spell yourself or have perceived it by means such as detect magic or arcane sight. Despite this, the alchemist's formulae list includes the spell True Strike which requires an archery target as a focal component. However, there no longer seems to be a low level way to determine the amount of charges that are left in a wand. You must have either cast this spell yourself or have perceived it by means such as detect magic or arcane sight. At 17th level he gains a permanent +15 Insight bonus to all spellcraft and knowledge checks to identify magical items or artifacts. So I would allow 1st level or higher detection spells, like Identify and Greater Detect Magic, the save vs Magic Aura (1st and 2nd vs 1st); spells like Analyze Dweomer would get a save versus Greater Magic Aura (6th vs 4th); and so on. Pages in category "Pathfinder" The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 3,551 total. A newly born dweomercat cub is connected to its homeland by only a thin tether of fey magic, and can only tap into its true potential during the instant a spell is cast upon it. Hope Against Hope! Bleak days have come to the Taldan city of Cassomir Taergan Flinn. 6th-level spells—analyze dweomer, control water, guards and wards, legend lore, move earth, stone to flesh. 240 - Analyze Dweomer spell 268 - Detect Magic spell 299 - Identify spell 458 - Magic Items and Detect Magic (especially the last sentence under Command Word) 536 - Identifying Cursed Items. Description. You might adjust the difficulty down, maybe even drastically, if the subject is especially notorious or famed. Combat Spell-Like Abilities. Dweomer’s Essence. This includes all teleportation spells (such as dimension door and teleport), plane shifting, astral travel, ethereal travel, and all summoning spells. You can see as though under the effects of a permanent analyze dweomer spell, though you only use this effect only on objects, not on creatures. 8th-level spells—clone, dimensional lock, discern location. --Miguel de Cervantes. The. Nonmagical writing is automatically. Targets one object or creature per caster level. I've created a random spellbook generator for PF1E wizards. Analyze dweomer needed for full analysis. /2 levels) Targets one object or creature per caster level. The spells detect magic, identify, and analyze dweomer all reveal command words if the properties of the item are successfully identified. a gold and sapphire ring worth 500 gp, which the caster must wear for. This ability replaces spirit mastery. Ruse spells that mimic harmless spells still list harmless on their saving throw or spell resistance lines; a creature that knows or suspects the true nature of the spell typically. The Loremaster gave them new spells, more skill points, and some other useful abilities. 95! Note: The download file is VERY LARGE so it may take some time to download. 3e SRD:Analyze Dweomer. Description. You may animate one Large or smaller plant, or a number of larger plants as follows: a Huge plant counts as two Large or smaller plants, a Gargantuan plant as four, and a Colossal plant as eight. School transmutation [poison]; Level druid 2, ranger 2, sorcerer/wizard 2; Elemental School water 2. "I am the dominator that control life and death". Twisted Love (Story) An evil person or entity has become obsessed with your resemblance to a lost loved one. A typical ioun golem stands 12 feet tall and weighs close to 1,200 pounds. /2 levels) Effect feast for one creature/level Duration 1 hour plus 12 hours; see text Saving Throw none; Spell. An elder titan’s natural weapons are treated as epic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. You must have either cast this spell yourself or have perceived it by means such as detect magic or arcane sight. r/Pathfinder_RPG A chip A close button. ; Spider Swarm: One of the hallucinations caused by breathing a basidirond's spore cloud is that you're being attacked by a swarm of spiders,. Feats: Magical Aptitude, any one item crafting feat. ‘d20 System’ and the ‘d20 System’ logo are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Example: A 16th-level wizard finds an unknown wand and decides to use analyze dweomer to study it. Latest Pathfinder products in the Open Gaming Store. Unlike arcane sight, this spell cannot be made permanent with a permanency spell. : The number noted here is in addition to the familiar’s existing natural armor bonus. Expand user menu Open settings menu. Antoniofer. Destruction: A few challenges can, if critically failed, destroy the in-progress item, which costs the PCs their current investment. If you succeed at a Will save against such an effect, the caster does not learn that you succeeded at your saving throw (effects such as detect magic and analyze dweomer still work. The possible commands are “coil” (form a neat, coiled stack), “coil and. - Analyze Dweomer est une version plus forte etplus plus précise que Detect MagicThis ability replaces bane. These items are the results of magical mishaps, shoddy crafting. In the case of a magic item, you learn its functions (including any curse effects), how to. m. Harriette can see the good in everything and will go out of her way to help the local town folk. A contagious spell uses up a spell slot 2 levels higher than the spell’s actual level. tl;dr: You cannot determine the number of charges a wand of cure light wounds (or any magic item) has except by casting analyze dweomer, a 6th-level… Strange, the higher level spells that are usually very good at this sort of thing (like arcane sight, analyze dweomer, greater arcane sight, identify) expressly forbid identifying artifacts. Market value is double this creation cost. Chaos Emerald. Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber. it uses spell link to steal all ur buffs and put them on itself. Range close (25 ft. In Pathfinder, the wizard gets school abilities that continue to improve with time. /level (D) Description You surround yourself with a sphere of power with a radius of 5 feet per. Share. The quality of items made by this spell is commensurate with the quality of material used as the basis for the new fabrication. If they don't know the password, it's just a normal bag. The focus is a 1,500 GP ruby or sapphire in a golden loop. A creature that saves against a ghaele’s gaze is. Detect magic and identify typically don’t reveal an item’s perks, quirks, and flaws; analyze dweomer does, though only once the item is complete. You hasten the onset of poison in the target. Furthermore, once per day on command, the wearer can use analyze dweomer as the. Sometimes, the word might be hidden in a pattern or design. Here are the 12 0-level spells I've seen used a lot. You gain a +20 bonus on Bluff checks made to convince another of the truth of your words. Associated Domain: Magic. If your illusion is out of the range of Detect magic, your spell is "immune". Charm, Fortunate. Tears at Bitter Manor is a deluxe super-adventure for 5th-level. For an item like this to be balanced, it should. Amulet of Grasping Souls, Chalice of Communal Dweomer, Elixir of Last Will, Gorget of Living Whispers, Icon of Aspects, Quicksand Cloak, Rat-Tread Boots, Weirding Watch, Whispering Gloves (ToBM) Monsters [8]Abandoned One, Caliban, Deadfall Dweller, Delgeth, Embalming Bear, Ephemeral Echo, Leechroot, TizherukChalice of Communal Dweomer. Apr 23, 2014, 04:55 pm. Beyond that, I think these are the actual possibilities: Read Magic. Misdirection. Need Help? Mon–Fri, 10:00 a. , which are used under Paizo's Community Use Policy. In 3. 00 for just $39. The burst of magical energy brought forth by a freshly cast spell momentarily intensifies the bond between the First World and the dweomercat. The animal cannot be one tamed or trained by someone else, including such creatures as familiars and animal companions. Dweomerlion is a creature in Pathfinder: Kingmaker. The caster has a base 50% chance to discern the existence and identity of a particular spell or property, +2% per level to a maximum of 99%. Mask Dweomer. Casting Time 1 standard action. 500gp a pop to gain +5 to breach SR. Damiel, the iconic Alchemist, apparently prepares an extract. In the case of a magic item, you learn its functions, how to activate its functions (if. Dr. If that check is failed, succeeding on a second check (DC 25) might provide some insight into a clue. m. Charm of Aluum Control. You can observe. 236 Analyze Dweomer. /2 levels). You gain additional arcane school powers at 6th, 12th, 18th, and 20th level. magic HP 100 Alter Dweomer [reaction] (abjuration, arcane) Trigger The dweomercat is targeted by a spell or is within. m. Beginner Box ; Rulebooks . Animate Objects Y: Objects attack your foes. For each property, you make a caster level check (1d20 + caster level) against DC 17. You enter a spell caster level and specialization. Resources. 226 School divination; Level arcanist 5, psychic 4, sorcerer 5, wizard 5 Casting Casting Time 1 standard action Components V, S, F (a magnifying lens) Effect Range 40 feet Area 40-ft. Blessed Fist. Blessing of Luck and Resolve. 7th – refuge, 8th – analyze dweomer, 9th – polymorph any object Insight Domain Deity: Zivlyn. Use Activated: This type of item simply has to be used in order to activate it. Antimagic Field Y: Negates magic within 10 ft. and are used. Do you make your players identify items with spells and at merchants? Or do you just tell them what the item is? like "you found a +1 flaming…Sacristans number among the most useful failures of the kyton race. My PFS necromancer just hit 15th level after a very successful Siege of the Diamond City. The path of the arcane savant brings expertise in the lore of glyphs and sigils, knowledge of exotic spells, and the power to unlock the full potential of magical devices. Range close (25 ft. School divination; Level medium 2, mesmerist 3, occultist 2, psychic 3, spiritualist 3. You note a single mental “ping” that awakens you from normal sleep but does not otherwise disturb concentration. Feats Craft Wondrous Item, analyze dweomer, true seeing; Cost 92,400 gp. An attended object may attempt a Will save to resist this effect if its holder so desires. Analyze Dweomer -. Duration 1 round/level (D). Open Game Content ( place problems on the discussion page). Saving Throw none or Will negates, see text; Spell Resistance no. And while that is a help it is not the same as being told what the item does. The most evil bogeymen are those who abandon the tactic of feeding on one person’s fears at a time and take up roles of mass murderers or serial killers, or other pursuits designed to drive fear into the hearts of an entire city of victims. School enchantment (compulsion) [mind-affecting, sonic]; Level bard 2, druid 2, psychic 2; Domain scalykind 2. 0 D&D, identify was quite a bit weaker. Dweomer’s Essence. Your incredibly narrow options: 1. Battlemind Link Y: You and an ally gain attack and AC bonuses. Select one spell effect on the target creature or object. If you are already holding an object, you can attempt to absorb it; otherwise, you may touch an object as a standard action separate from casting the spell. Random wizard spellbook generator. A tiny lens of ruby or sapphire set in a small golden loop. It reminded me greatly of a spell I had used in my last session called Mask Dweomer. No matter how many items have the same word, or how easy the word is, it takes up your Standard. You discern all spells and magical properties present in a number of creatures or objects. Appearance. Search this site. Arcane savants are specialists in the theory and practice of magic, illuminating mysteries of the eldritch fabric that permeates existence. Pathfinder Spells Analyze Aura. Pacific (425) 250-0800. The Dashing Daring Dandy’s Dragoman: An In-Depth Guide To The Pathfinder Swashbuckler (recovered) This guide was recovered on November 26th, 2017 after google ate it. 0. While wearing these glasses, you can use an action as an action to. This bonus doesn't apply to other uses of the Bluff skill, such as feinting in combat, creating a diversion to hide, or communicating a. In my last run-through the dweomercat appeared in eight consecutive encounters to assist my party. Firstly, Demon only starts to become good once you get access to Major Demonic aspects with mythic rank 5. Mighty Bloodrage (Su) At 18th level, a legendary bloodrager’s bonus on melee attack rolls , melee damage rolls, thrown weapon damage rolls, and Will saves while in a bloodrage. The spells detect magic, identify, and analyze dweomer all reveal command words if the properties of the item are successfully identified. Ego Modifier: –1. Casting Time 1 standard action. Your speech becomes fluent and more believable, causing those who hear you to believe every word you say. it phased right past my front line and did a number on Tristian in the back. Protection Each book features a superior lock (DC 40); secret page hides the. In the case of a magic item, you learn its functions, how to activate its functions (if appropriate), and how many charges are left (if it uses. You can only concentrate on a single individual at a time and, once you change people, you can no longer use this ability for the previous target for the rest of the day. 6th Level: analyze dweomer 7th Level: greater arcane sight. Command words were placed in a magic item during the Mastering step of. I find it hard to imagine that nobody under. 2: Arcane Eye (Sp) You can use arcane eye three times per day as a spell-like ability. School divination; Level alchemist 6, bard 6, sorcerer/wizard 6, witch 6; Domain [subdomain] Magic [ arcane] 6. A dragon in the sky, a colosseus behind a big hole, etc. Components V, S, F (a ruby and gold lens worth 1,500 gp). To see how well the teleportation works, roll d% and consult the table at the end of this spell. Telepathy Source Occult Adventures pg. e. When you select your arcane school at 1st level, you also gain one of its associated powers. linklord231. So, is it just me, or does that seem a waste. This spell makes the duration of certain other spells permanent. If that check is failed, succeeding on a second check (DC 25) might provide some insight into a clue. 00 for just $39. There's also a bunch of archetypes in the Field Guide, including Scroll Scholar, Scroll Scoundrel, Dimensional Occultist, Seeker, Grenadier, and Lore Warden. Need Help? Mon–Fri, 10:00 a. it has 6 attacks (after stealing my buffs). + 10 ft. Analyze Dweomer, Blade Barrier, Greater Dispel Magic: Gremlin Spiderspawn: 0: Acid Splash, Daze, Detect Magic, Haunted Fey Aspect, Read Magic:. It can ascend at half speed and descend at double speed, and its maneuverability is good. You can observe. Dweomer Leap (Su) When a dweomercat is targeted by a spell or within the area of effect of a spell, it can, as a swift action, choose to teleport to a square adjacent to the spell’s caster. If that check is failed, succeeding on a second check (DC 25) might provide some insight into a clue. An object that makes its save cannot be affected by any other analyze dweomer spells for 24 hours. 6th-level spells—analyze dweomer, control water, guards and wards, legend lore, move earth, stone to flesh. In the case of a magic item, you. The in-combat use to find out about protective spells of opposing spellcasters is also quite useful. An identify spell only has a 1% chance per caster level to reveal a cursed item’s true properties, including the cursed aspect. Pathfinder Adventure Card Society; Promo Cards; Accessories; Gaming. School Powers. I'm nobody associated with any of it. Audible Alarm: An audible alarm produces the sound of a hand bell, and anyone within. More importantly, it takes an insane 8 hours to cast. '. Revelation: This is exactly like the oracle’s ability of the same name, except that the chosen theurge gains a revelation at 3rd level and every four levels thereafter. School divination; Level bard 6, sorcerer/wizard 6. OK, Don't show this again. Targets one object or creature per caster level. Description. Unless I'm mistaken, it's basically a chain Identify that is cast more rapidly, with the added effect that you can also identify magical effects on an item or creature.